We are Professional within our field. For many years, we have been specializing in the training necessary for the work in the wind industry.
Visit us to experience the highest quality of training.
We are Professional within our field. For many years, we have been specializing in the training necessary for the work in the wind industry.
Visit us to experience the highest quality of training.
GWO arrow_drop_down
Wind Industry
Duration: 24 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for working at heights above 3m, certificates GWO WAH, FA, MH
Certificate validity: 2 years
- evacuation from hub, spinner and blades
- rescue from closed and limited space
- rescue from the basement, tower and gondola
- individual rescue from some other spaces in a wind turbine
- emergency plans for rescue
- protection and rescue equipment
- preparation of the victim for evacuation
- we provide 4 certificates - ART-H, ART-N, S-ART-H, A-ART-N
Duration: 16 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid certificate GWO FA
Certificate validity: 2 years
- unblocking the breathing ways with pipes
- active ventilation with self-inflating bag
- intramuscular aplication of medicines
- communication skills
Duration: 24 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for working at heights above 3m, certificates GWO WAH, FA, MH
Certificate validity: 2 years
- rescue from a hub, spinner, and blade
- rescue from the basement, tower and nacelle
- rescue from enclosed and confined spaces
- rescue from the ladder, self-evacuation - WAHR
- manual handling - MHR
- after completing the training successfully, the participant receives 4 certificates- ART-HR, ART-NR, WAHR, MHR
Czas trwania: 14 godzin
Min/max liczba kursantów: 4/8
Wymagania formalne: aktualne zaświadczenie lekarskie do pracy powyżej 3 metrów, aktualny certyfikat GWO WAH, FA, MH
Ważność certyfikatu: 2 lata
- ratownictwo z zamkniętej i ograniczonej przestrzeni
- pojedyńcze ratownictwo z niektórych miejsc pracy w turbinie wiatrowej
- korporacyjne plany reagowania kryzysowego
- sprzęt ochronny używany podczas szkolenia
- przygotowanie poszkodowanego do ewakuacji
- ewakuacja z wnętrza łopaty, ze spinnera do luku ewakuacyjnego, na zewnątrz huba
- przygotowanie poszkodowanego i ewakuacja z zamkniętej i ograniczonej przestrzeni
- kursant otrzyma 2 certyfikaty - ART-H, S-ART-H,
Czas trwania: 18 godzin
Min/max liczba kursantów: 4/12
Wymagania formalne: brak
Ważność certyfikatu: bezterminowy
- środki ochrony indywidualnej
- role i podstawowe sygnały
- rodzaje osprzętu do podnoszenia
- dynamika i statyka
- zawiesia, szkale, worki do podnoszenia
- punkty podczepienia ładunku
- sprawdzenie sprzętu do podnoszenia przed i po użyciu
- funkcje urządzeń dźwigowych
- kąty podnoszenia
- środek ciężkości
- strefy niebezpieczne
- toolbox
- sygnały ręczne
- techniki użycia zawiesi
Czas trwania: 8 godzin
Min/max liczba kursantów: 4/8
Wymagania formalne: aktualne zaświadczenie lekarskie do pracy powyżej 3 metrów, aktualny certyfikat GWO WAH, FA, MH
Ważność certyfikatu: 2 lata
- ratownictwo z zamkniętej i ograniczonej przestrzeni
- korporacyjne plany reagowania kryzysowego
- sprzęt ochronny używany podczas szkolenia
- przygotowanie poszkodowanego do ewakuacji
- ewakuacja z wnętrza łopaty, ze spinnera do luku ewakuacyjnego, na zewnątrz huba
- przygotowanie poszkodowanego i ewakuacja z zamkniętej i ograniczonej przestrzeni
- kursant otrzyma 2 certyfikaty - ART-H
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: no medical contraindications
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation governing first aid
- basic knowledge of human anatomy
- assessing casualties
- cooperating with the emergency services
- AED operation
- knowledge of and the ability to provide first aid to conscious and unconscious casualties (theory and practice)
- how to behave in emergencies (scenario-based exercises)
General information:
Duration: app. 22 hours
Min/max participants: 3/12
Prerequisites: Participants on the IQTX must be current GWO instructors (ref. GWO Requirements for Training)
Furthermore, before joining the IQTX training, the participants must have familiarised themselves with the
GWO Taxonomy Framework and further relevant learning theory as outlined in the joining instructions.
Certificate validity: ----
- introduction to the workshop and training
- adult learning: motivation, learning process and approach
- learning styles
- visual learning tools
- GWO taxonomy: framework, concepts, learning domains and levels
- assessment tools and question styles
- digital learning tools
- feedback
- barriers to learning
- didactical considerations and instructional design
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- global and national legislation
- sea exposure, hypothermia and drawning
- Life Saving Appliances
- boat transfer
- safety on installations, vessels and Wind Turbine Generators
- Man Over Board procedure
- Search & Rescue system
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
- practical sea survival
- practical transfer
Duration: 16 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation - global and national
- tools of the trade and a guide to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- vertical fall arrest systems
- how to use and control fall arrest lanyards
- safety systems (practical exercises)
- risks and hazards present in wind turbines
- various types of rescue equipment
- suspension trauma
- emergency exercises in a wind turbine environment
Duration: 16 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation governing first aid
- basic knowledge of human anatomy
- assessing casualties
- understanding the risk factors specific to wind energy workplaces
- cooperating with the emergency services
- AED operation
- knowledge of and the ability to provide first aid to conscious and unconscious casualties (theory and practice)
- how to behave in emergencies (scenario-based exercises)
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation - global and national
- hazards and risks encountered in the wind energy industry
- anatomy of the spine and injury awareness
- risk management and standards for lifting and carrying
- the consequences of improper manual handling techniques
- safe manual handling methods (scenario-based exercises)
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation -global and national
- causes of fire and how fires spread
- firefighting methods
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment found in wind turbines
- scenario-based exercises
Duration: 24 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid certificate GWO FA
Certificate validity: 2 years
- unblocking the breathing ways with pipes
- active ventilation with self-inflating bag
- intramuscular aplication of medicines
- communication skills
Basic information:
Duration: 40 hours
Min/max number of students: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for work above 3 meters
Certificate validity: 2 years
Training scope:
Working at Heights (16H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- equipment and operation of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- a vertical fall protection system
- methods of using and controlling the safety lanyard
- security systems (practical exercises)
- risks and dangers in working on wind farms
- various types of rescue equipment
- the trauma of being suspended at high altitude
- rescue exercises under wind turbine conditions
First Aid (16H)
- legal provisions regulating the issue of first aid
- basic knowledge of anatomy
- assessment of the victim's condition
- knowledge of nuisance and dangerous factors in wind farms
- cooperation with emergency services
- AED support
- knowledge of the rules and the ability to provide and help a conscious and unconscious person (theory and practice)
- behaviour in an emergency (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Fire Awareness (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- causes of fires and fire spread
- fire fighting
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment in the wind turbine generator
- practical exercises based on ready-made scenarios
Manual Handling (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- risks and dangers in the wind industry
- spine anatomy and injury awareness
- risk control and standards for lifting and carrying
- consequences of incorrect manual activities
- techniques of safe lifting and carrying loads (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Basic information:
Duration: 48 hours
Min/max number of students: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for work above 3 meters
Certificate validity: 2 years
Training scope:
Working at Heights (16H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- equipment and operation of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- a vertical fall protection system
- methods of using and controlling the safety lanyard
- security systems (practical exercises)
- risks and dangers in working on wind farms
- various types of rescue equipment
- the trauma of being suspended at high altitude
- rescue exercises under wind turbine conditions
First Aid (16H)
- legal provisions regulating the issue of first aid
- basic knowledge of anatomy
- assessment of the victim's condition
- knowledge of nuisance and dangerous factors in wind farms
- cooperation with emergency services
- AED support
- knowledge of the rules and the ability to provide and help a conscious and unconscious person (theory and practice)
- behaviour in an emergency (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Fire Awareness (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- causes of fires and fire spread
- fire fighting
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment in the wind turbine generator
- practical exercises based on ready-made scenarios
Manual Handling (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- risks and dangers in the wind industry
- spine anatomy and injury awareness
- risk control and standards for lifting and carrying
- consequences of incorrect manual activities
- techniques of safe lifting and carrying loads (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Sea Survival (8H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- exposure, hypothermia and drowning
- safety devices
- sea transfer
- safety during installation, on ships and in wind turbine generators
- Man Overboard procedure
- search and rescue system
- Global Maritime Emergency and Security Communication System (GMDSS)
- survival in difficult sea conditions and sea transfer - practical exercises
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation governing first aid
- basic knowledge of human anatomy
- assessing casualties
- understanding the risk factors specific to wind energy workplaces
- cooperating with the emergency services
- AED operation
- knowledge of and the ability to provide first aid to conscious and unconscious casualties (theory and practice)
- how to behave in emergencies (scenario-based exercises)
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation - global and national
- hazards and risks encountered in the wind energy industry
- anatomy of the spine and injury awareness
- risk management and standards for lifting and carrying
- the consequences of improper manual handling techniques
- safe manual handling methods (scenario-based exercises)
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation -global and national
- causes of fire and how fires spread
- firefighting methods
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment found in wind turbines
- scenario-based exercises
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- global and national legislation
- sea exposure, hypothermia and drawning
- Life Saving Appliances
- boat transfer
- safety on installations, vessels and Wind Turbine Generators
- Man Over Board procedure
- Search & Rescue system
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
- practical sea survival
- practical transfer
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation - global and national
- tools of the trade and a guide to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- vertical fall arrest systems
- how to use and control fall arrest lanyards
- safety systems (practical exercises)
- risks and hazards present in wind turbines
- various types of rescue equipment
- suspension trauma
- emergency exercises in a wind turbine environment
Basic information:
Duration: 32 hours
Min/max number of students: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for work above 3 meters
Certificate validity: 2 years
Training scope:
Working at Heights (8H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- equipment and operation of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- a vertical fall protection system
- methods of using and controlling the safety lanyard
- security systems (practical exercises)
- risks and dangers in working on wind farms
- various types of rescue equipment
- the trauma of being suspended at high altitude
- rescue exercises under wind turbine conditions
First Aid (8H)
- legal provisions regulating the issue of first aid
- basic knowledge of anatomy
- assessment of the victim's condition
- knowledge of nuisance and dangerous factors in wind farms
- cooperation with emergency services
- AED support
- knowledge of the rules and the ability to provide and help a conscious and unconscious person (theory and practice)
- behaviour in an emergency (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Fire Awareness (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- causes of fires and fire spread
- fire fighting
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment in the wind turbine generator
- practical exercises based on ready-made scenarios
Manual Handling (4H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- risks and dangers in the wind industry
- spine anatomy and injury awareness
- risk control and standards for lifting and carrying
- consequences of incorrect manual activities
- techniques of safe lifting and carrying loads (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Sea Survival (8H)
- legal regulations - global and national
- exposure, hypothermia and drowning
- safety devices
- sea transfer
- safety during installation, on ships and in wind turbine generators
- Man Overboard procedure
- search and rescue system
- Global Maritime Emergency and Security Communication System (GMDSS)
- survival in difficult sea conditions and sea transfer - practical exercises
Basic information:
Duration: 20 hours
Min/max number of students: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid medical certificate for work above 3 meters
Certificate validity: 2 years
Training scope:
Working at Heights
- legal regulations - global and national
- equipment and operation of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- a vertical fall protection system
- methods of using and controlling the safety lanyard
- security systems (practical exercises)
- risks and dangers in working on wind farms
- various types of rescue equipment
- the trauma of being suspended at high altitude
- rescue exercises under wind turbine conditions
First Aid
- legal provisions regulating the issue of first aid
- basic knowledge of anatomy
- assessment of the victim's condition
- knowledge of nuisance and dangerous factors in wind farms
- cooperation with emergency services
- AED support
- knowledge of the rules and the ability to provide and help a conscious and unconscious person (theory and practice)
- behaviour in an emergency (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Fire Awareness
- legal regulations - global and national
- causes of fires and fire spread
- fire fighting
- fire prevention
- fire fighting equipment in the wind turbine generator
- practical exercises based on ready-made scenarios
Manual Handling
- legal regulations - global and national
- risks and dangers in the wind industry
- spine anatomy and injury awareness
- risk control and standards for lifting and carrying
- consequences of incorrect manual activities
- techniques of safe lifting and carrying loads (exercises based on ready-made scenarios)
Duration: 9 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: unlimited
- introduction to electricity
- electrical safety
- components, symbols and diagrams
- sensors
- electrical measuring instruments
- electrical circuits
Duration: 13 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: unlimited
- mechanical introduction
- mechanical safety
- the principles of bolted and welded connections
- hydraulic torque and tension
- breaking system and yaw system
- cooling and lubrication system
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: unlimited
- introduction to hydraulics
- hydraulics safety
- pumps and actuators
- control valves
- accumulators and sensors
- oils and oil filters
Duration: 20 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: valid certificate of GWO BTT mechnics and BTT bolt tightening, and working shoes
Certificate validity: unlimited
- safety rules, emergency plans,
- working procedures in installation – checklist, working instruction
- handling and storage – uploading and storage of components, tools and equipment
- preparation of main components for pre-assembly and assembly
- principles of mechanical, electrical and hydraulical completions
- Principles of operation with external generators
- rules for handover to commissionning
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: BTT mechanical certificate
Certificate validity: unlimited
-bolt tightening in the Wind industry
-bolt torquing using energy powered tools and accessories
-bolt tensioning using energy powered tools and accessories
-mechanical handling aids
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/20
Formal requirements: the participant should have knowledge and experience of working as an electrician
Certificate validity: unlimited
- protection against electric shock
- lightning
- LPS installations
- lightning protection
- electrical surge
- limiters, protectors and electrical equipment
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/20
Formal requirements: the participant should have knowledge and experience of working as an electrician
Certificate validity: unlimited
- protection against electric shock
- lightning
- LPS installations
- lightning protection
- electrical surge
- limiters, protectors and electrical equipment
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/20
Formal requirements: the participant should have knowledge and experience of working as an electrician
Certificate validity: unlimited
- protection against electric shock
- lightning
- LPS installations
- lightning protection
- electrical surge
- limiters, protectors and electrical equipment
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: good health
Certificate validity: unlimited
- construction and types of load-carrying structures
- attaching rigging
- construction materials
- operation of overhead cranes
– safety rules during operation
Duration: 16 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/15
Formal requirements: ID with photo
Certificate validity: nonlimit
- Type of motor-driven truck in use
- Structure of motor-driven truck
- Duties of the operator before, during and after work
- Knowledge in cargo management
- Knowledge in industrial safety
- Knowledge of technical Inspection
- Practical classes
- Safe service – replacement of the gas cylinders in forklift truck equipped with these installations
- UDT exam at the end of the training course
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: good health
Certificate validity: unlimited
- legal regulations for LTE in Poland
- constructions and components
- safety equipment
- practical training
- dealing with accidents involving LTE
– safety rules during operation
Czas trwania: 16 godzin
Min/max liczba kursantów: 4/15
Wymagania formalne: dowód osobisty
Ważność certyfikatu: bezterminowy
- typy stosowanych podestów ruchomych
- budowa pdestów ruchomych przejezdnych wolnobieżnych
- czynności operatora przed rozpoczęciem, w trakcie oraz po zakończeniu pracy
- wiadomości z zakresu ładunkoznawstwa.
- wiadomości z zakresu BHP
- wiadomości o dozorze technicznym
- zajęcia praktyczne
- szkolenie kończy się egzaminem przed komisją UDT
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: safety shoes
Certificate validity: N/A
- legislation
- general use of lifts
- inspection prior to use
- operation of lift
- evecuation of lift
- shutdown after use
Duration: 37 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical self-assessment
Certificate validity: unlimited
- legislation applicable to lifting operations
- responsibilities of a banksman/slinger
- identify common unsafe practices and probable consequences
- lift planning
- basic functions of a crane
- crane hand and radio signals
- lifting operation risk assessment
- safe and correct methods of slinging loads, correct use and care of equipment
- practical exercises
Duration: 3 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: 12 months
- dangers in wind turbines
- fires reasons, hand-held extinguishing equipment
- marking A points
- PPE in working at heights
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: unlimited
-fastener training
-Torque wrenches and torque multipliers
-hydraulic wrenches
Duration: 32 hours
Min/max number of participants: 3/6
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 1 year
- safety in relation to rope access for wind turbines (HSE, fire awareness)
- rules and techniques of constructing stations in wind turbines
- principles of fall arresting
- rappelling
- communication
- climbing the rope
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate
Certificate validity: 2 years
- construction and operation of Power Climber service platform
- platform daily checklist, issues discussion
- discussing dangerous situations, avoiding dangers and hazards related to lifted platforms
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 3/6
Formal requirements: medical self-assessment, valid certificates GWO workingatheights i manual handling
Certificate validity: 2 years
- legislation – national and global
- hazards and risks connected
- main wind turbine generator’s brands
- differences in WTG architectural layout
- hub access
- correct use of PFPE and rescue systems
- use of different haulage techniques
- planning and organization of rescue
- rescue and haulage from various locations
- participate in rescue scenarios as part of the team
- participate in rescue scenarios “one to one”
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 6/12
Formal requirements: medical self-assessment
Certificate validity: unlimited
- legislation – national and global
- types of objects with limited spaces
- risk assessment and hazard identification
- measuring devices to study the composition of the atmosphere
- rescue ancillary equipment and PPE for work in confined spaces
- organization of work in confined spaces
- communication
- emergency procedures
- principles of providing medical aid
- practical exercises
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical self-assessment
Certificate validity: 1 year
-Law related to working at heights
-Harnesses for working at heights - choosing, inspecting, maintenance, control card
-HSE rules when working on scaffolding
-Construction of work and fall arresting stations
-Negative consequences of prolonged suspension
-Basics of self-rescuing, organizing the rescue
General information:
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants : 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate, completed First Aid training
Validity: 2 years
Scope of the training:
- proceeding in case of hypothermia,caused by immersion,
- proceeding in case of cold shock,
- proceeding in case of exposure to toxic agents,
- gas poisoning,
-methods of immobilizing the spine,
- fractures,
- severe burns,
- dressing minor injuries,
- use of the medical radio language,
- proper keeping of medical records.
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/16
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: 1 year
- introduction to electricity
- electrical safety
- components, symbols and diagrams
- sensors
- electrical measuring instruments
- electrical circuits
Duration: 4 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: medical certificate and actual certificate of GWO working at heights
Certificate validity: 2 years
apteczka pierwszej pomocy
została specjalnie wyposażona przez doświadczonych instruktorów pierwszej pomocy, którzy są zawodowymi medykami i codziennie niosą pomoc, ratując zdrowie i życie.
zawartość apteczki:
Safety for sure!
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max no. of delegates: 4/12
Formal requirements: N/A
Certificate validity: N/A
- Step by Step process
- shift and personnel changes (transition LOTO)
- LOTO for services
- alternative methods
- review and conclusion
Duration: 8 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/12
Formal requirements: none
Certificate validity: unlimited
- classification of dangerous chemical substances and preparations
- the effects of toxicity of chemical substances
- the impact of harmful chemical substances on the human body
- maximum concentration of chemical agents in the working environment
- collective and Personal Protective Equipment
- of eliminating chemical substances leakages
The Personal Safety Logbook, which is issued by BVEG and DGMK, is an unofficial document in which all important information on concerning the health and occupational safety of an employee is entered. It is employed especially on construction sites and in industrial plants. The purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of an employee's personal qualifications as well as preventive occupational medical care and fitness in compact form.
The Logbook can be bought in our training center or ordered and send by post.
Duration: 16 hours
Min/max number of participants: 4/15
Formal requirements: ID with photo
Certificate validity:
- exam at the end of the training course
Święto w Polsce